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Create stripo account via API

Hello, we have a business case to start using stripo to generate email templates. The templates would be generated by final users and we would like to create the accounts in stripo on their behalf via API programmatically. I can't not find this account creation in the API reference. Is there any API available for this purpose? <br /> Thank you in advance. Regards.


How to create email above? <https://api.stripo.email/discuss-new> [doodle jump](https://doodlegames.io/doodle-jump/) <br>

Query param for endpoint Export template as HTML file: set both dimensions for Images

Hi! Is't possible to add to API Endpoint "Export template as HTML file" query params as in Webinterface "Set Both dimensions for all Images in Exported Code"? We want to switch this parametr to false. And after that change some images on our own with different ratio.

What are the API reqs rate limits for Pro Plan users?

We are getting 429 HTTP response codes with {"error": "RATE_LIMIT_REACHED"} response body... We are synchronizing templates down from Stripo into our system every hour and we wonder what are the possible limitations, can you let us know?

Get the value of the generated EIDs (Email ID)

Dear sirs, we have integrated your drag&drop editor into our system which uses the MailWizz engine. We would like to be able to view/limit the initialization of your system for our customers and therefore know exactly how many EIDs (Email IDs) have been generated in real time. Is it possible to transfer this parameter via API or some other way to our system? The MailWizz team could develop a counter of these EIDs. I await your feedback, Best regards

Generating Email via HTML

Is it possible to generate an email into Stripo by providing the raw HTML via JSON?